Company number: 09361148
and approved by Jonathan Francis Campbell
Average time taken to pay invoices: 54 days
Invoices paid:
Invoices due but not paid within agreed terms: 52%
14 days
90 days
The Company does not have payment terms. Payment terms are agreed with suppliers as part of the contract negotiations, with terms usually between 30 and 60 days.
Due to the impact of COVID 19, the Company had to put in place various measures to manage its working capital during this period of uncertainty. These measures included negotiating extended payment terms with suppliers.
Suppliers are aware of the challenging circumstances created by COVID 19, and there is regular and ongoing correspondence on payment arrangements.
90 days
Disputes are resolved by mechanisms set out in underlying suppliers contracts/agreements and negotiations involving the relevant individuals at the Company and the supplier
For example, signatories to The Prompt Payment Code must commit to paying 95% of their invoices within 60 days.
No, this business has not signed up to a code of conduct or standards on payment practices.
This is where suppliers can electronically submit and track invoices. It's not just allowing suppliers to email them an invoice.
This is where a supplier who has submitted an invoice can be paid by a third-party finance provider earlier than the agreed payment date. The business would then pay the finance provider the invoiced sum.