Company number: 01687068
and approved by Ben Guest
Average time taken to pay invoices: 24 days
Invoices paid:
Invoices due but not paid within agreed terms: 1%
1 days
Answer not provided
Please see list of all our payment terms: 1 day from date of invoice 14 day's net 10 day's from date of invoice 30 day's, if you pay withing 10 day's 2% discount 30 day's, if you pay withing 10 day's 3% discount 10 day's net 30 day's, if you pay withing 14 day's 2% discount 45 day's, if you pay withing 14 day's 2% discount 60 day's, if you pay withing 14 day's 2% discount 30 day's, if you pay withing 14 day's 3% discount 60 day's, if you pay withing 14 day's 3% discount 60 day's, if you pay withing 14 day's 4% discount 15 days net 30 day's net 20 day's from date of invoice 30 day's from date of invoice 60 day's, if you pay withing 30 day's 2% discount 60 day's, if you pay withing 45 day's 3% discount 30th of the 2nd month 30th of the following month 45 day's Net 60 day's from date of invoice 60 day's net cash 7 day's from date of invoice 30 day's, if you pay withing 7 day's 2% discount 30 day's, if you pay withing 8 day's 2% discount 8 day's net 90 day's from date of invoice 90 day's net cash Cash Basis Only Cash in Advance End of month + 1 month End of month + 15 day's End of month + 2 months End of month + 25 day's End of month + 28 day's End of month + 30 day's End of Month + 45 day's End of month + 75 day's
Answer not provided
105 days
No further comment provided
Supplier’s will initially raise query with the shared service centre (SSC). SSC will: - provide information about IMI legal entities such as registered company names, addresses, registration numbers, and contact information to supplier. - Provide information about the status of supplier invoices, payments and open queries to suppliers or the site as appropriate. - Pass any supplier queries onto the appropriate contacts within IMI for resolution where needed. - Where a credit note is required from the supplier then it is the relevant site contacts responsibility to arrange for this with the supplier. - Treasury will advise the SSC of its payment schedule to allow SSC to answer queries from suppliers regarding next payment runs. Invoice queries arise when an invoice or credit note cannot be fully 3-way matched to a receipt, or where is no purchase order associated with the invoice or credit note, or the recognized discrepancy is above SSC authorization limit When this occurs during the validation of an invoice in Esker (the invoicing system) he transaction enters the query process. AP clerk assigns the invoice to a query owner. Once a particular query is identified, then the AP Clerk will select an appropriate query reason from the available list for PO invoices and add a relevant comment to the workflow field to explain what the query is and/or what corrective action is required. The query owner for PO invoices will usually be the person who placed the order in local ERP system or strategic purchasing based on identified discrepancy nature. For non-PO invoices the query owner is identified based on the name reference on the invoice or transaction history on supplier level. If the SSC is unable to identify who the query owner is then the local finance team will be contacted to advise the right person. To process the non- PO transactions the clerk needs to obtain appropriate DoA (delegation of authority) level approval along with the code (cost centre/ expense code). When the query owner completes their approval action in Esker, the open query is assigned back to AP. AP clerk will check that the appropriate action has been taken to resolve the reported query. Also makes sure there are no further queries associated with the document and that the query owner has the right DoA level. If there is still a query associated with the document, the AP clerk will repeat this process until the document can be finally processed. Once all queries relating to the document have been resolved, the invoice will be posted by the AP clerk and interfaced into the relevant ERP system daily by overnight job.
For example, signatories to The Prompt Payment Code must commit to paying 95% of their invoices within 60 days.
No, this business has not signed up to a code of conduct or standards on payment practices.
This is where suppliers can electronically submit and track invoices. It's not just allowing suppliers to email them an invoice.
This is where a supplier who has submitted an invoice can be paid by a third-party finance provider earlier than the agreed payment date. The business would then pay the finance provider the invoiced sum.