Company number: 04221767
and approved by Tansy Hepton
Average time taken to pay invoices: 29 days
Invoices paid:
Invoices due but not paid within agreed terms: 18%
7 days
30 days
Payment terms are 7, 14, 21, 28, 30 days. Almost all the suppliers are on 30 days terms.
Answer not provided
30 days
Disputes or complaints can be received by the supplier contact or directly to the finance team. First course of action is to investigate if there is any reason for delay such as goods not receipted, pricing discrepancy, payment error. If any such issues are preventing payment and affecting ongoing service, the issue is referred to the Director of Financial Services to make a decision regarding resolution. In the reporting period there has not been a need for any further action. We endeavor to investigate immediately and to keep the supplier informed of progress. We run payments on a weekly basis and have capacity to run ad-hoc payments as necessary and by whatever payment necessary, i.e. BACS, same day, faster payment, to expedite resolution.
For example, signatories to The Prompt Payment Code must commit to paying 95% of their invoices within 60 days.
No, this business has not signed up to a code of conduct or standards on payment practices.
This is where suppliers can electronically submit and track invoices. It's not just allowing suppliers to email them an invoice.
This is where a supplier who has submitted an invoice can be paid by a third-party finance provider earlier than the agreed payment date. The business would then pay the finance provider the invoiced sum.