BETA This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.


Company number: 00611070

Reporting period:
1 October 2019 to 31 March 2020

Warning This information is as reported by the business, and responses are in their own words.

This report was filed on 29 April 2020

and approved by N Sanderson

Payment statistics

Average time taken to pay invoices: 30 days

Invoices paid:

Invoices due but not paid within agreed terms: 32 %

Payment terms

Shortest standard payment period

0 days

Longest standard payment period

90 days

Standard payment terms

In February 2019, Great Portland Estates plc updated it's supplier terms and conditions for all Group members, which include standard payment terms of 30 days after receipt of a correctly rendered invoice.

Were there any changes to the standard payment terms in the reporting period?


Maximum contractual payment period agreed

90 days

Any other information about payment terms


Dispute resolution process

Pontsarn Investments Ltd makes every effort to resolve payment related disputes and queries as quickly as possible. Suppliers should raise issues of non-payment to the accounts payable team, who will investigate why the items have not been paid. If the invoices remains unpaid due to disputed charges, accounts payable will refer the supplier to the correct team member at Pontsarn.

Other payment information

Has this business signed up to a code of conduct or standards on payment practices? If so, which?

For example, signatories to The Prompt Payment Code must commit to paying 95% of their invoices within 60 days.


Does this business offer e-invoicing in relation to qualifying contracts? This is where suppliers can electronically submit and track invoices. It’s not just allowing suppliers to email them an invoice.


Does this business offer supply chain finance? This is where a supplier who has submitted an invoice can be paid by a third-party finance provider earlier than the agreed payment date. The business would then pay the finance provider the invoiced sum.


Under its payment practices and policies, can this business deduct sums from payments under qualifying contracts as a charge for remaining on a supplier list?


During the reporting period, did the business deduct sums from payments as a charge for remaining on a supplier list?
